I LOVE YOU. Fully. Just as you are. For free. I am all in. I’m committed for as long as God gives us life.
I DESIRE YOU. Just as you are. You still make my heart beat fast. I’m glad you are my person. Making time for us to be close is more than physical – it’s when I feel emotionally connected to you.
I AM PRAYING FOR YOU. Asking God for more joy in your life. Asking God to lead you into more freedom in his grace. Asking God to deepen your love for his Word. Asking God to give you peace as you live in his purpose for your life.
I APPRECIATE YOU. I see what you bring to this marriage. I am thankful for the ways you serve and provide and treat me with kindness. I am thankful to partner with you for building our family. I appreciate how you communicate and how you pursue me. Thank you for making our life together so much fun.
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