A Father, A Floozy, and a Fool

The Father

Good fathers want to keep their children safe. They teach their kiddos about external threats and internal compromises leading to disaster. In the seventh Proverb, Solomon speaks to his son about the costs hidden within sexual temptation. He illustrates the danger through a temptress and a simpleton. 

“My son, keep my words and store up my commands within you. Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart. Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,” and to insight, “You are my relative.” They will keep you from the adulterous woman, from the wayward woman with her seductive words. At the window of my house I looked down through the lattice. I saw among the simple, I noticed among the young men, a youth who had no sense. He was going down the street near her corner, walking along in the direction of her house at twilight, as the day was fading, as the dark of night set in.” (Proverbs 7:1-9 NIV)

This father is convinced that a close relationship with wisdom can keep his son from the lies of the forbidden woman. This is true for every kind of temptation. God’s wisdom reveals His expectations and preferences, instructing us about the choices that will cost us or bless us.

Modern military units train in Shoot Houses to simulate hostile environments. They move room by room in teams, learning to react quickly and safely, targeting foes, and rescuing civilians. The stories of the Bible serve as training scenarios. We can enter the narratives to watch and learn from heroes and fools. Solomon’s graphic scenario helps his son—and us—move through life safely; quickly identifying the adulteress as “foe” before she even launches into her tempting speech.

Solomon compels us with words of action— to keep, to guard, to bind, to write, and to say (7:1-3). Practicing these looks like discipline, devotion, and scheduled habits of Bible interaction. Our Father defines where we should and should not play. He wants us to avoid the traps. He is a good and attentive and protective Father.

God invites us to know and to keep His Word so that we may live (7:2). His wisdom paths lead to life and joy and contentment and satisfaction. Love the scriptures! Marinate in them; hide them in your heart. Solomon pleads with his children to cling to wisdom because has seen (7:7) what happens to those who do not.

The Floozy

Then out came a woman to meet him, dressed like a prostitute and with crafty intent. (She is unruly and defiant, her feet never stay at home; now in the street, now in the squares, at every corner she lurks.) She took hold of him and kissed him and with a brazen face she said: ‘Today I fulfilled my vows, and I have food from my fellowship offering at home. So I came out to meet you; I looked for you and have found you! I have covered my bed with colored linens from Egypt. I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon. Come, let’s drink deeply of love till morning; let’s enjoy ourselves with love! My husband is not at home; he has gone on a long journey. He took his purse filled with money and will not be home till full moon.’” (Proverbs 7:10-20 NIV)

Crime dramas and podcasts tell the story of predators snatching children from parks or playgrounds—luring them with teddy bears, candy, and lies. Narrators describe how evil people coax the innocent into vehicles, carrying their victims to horrific mistreatment and sometimes even death. As much as the thought of a tender six-year-old ensnared to her death triggers nausea and rage, the woman and the young man in this proverb should provoke similar reactions. The temptress set a trap disguised by perfume. She is not absentmindedly flirting. She is on the hunt.

Solomon’s forbidden woman is not a prostitute; she’s just dressed like one. She is not a professional; she is a woman in your neighborhood. She is a woman at your office. She is a woman in your church. She is forbidden because she is someone else’s wife.

Perhaps her husband is away at work too often. Perhaps she genuinely suffers neglect from attention, praise, touch, or the comfort of a man’s strong arms. She stalks a willing party because she is thirsty to hear that she is beautiful and desirable. She is thirsty for companionship. She is thirsty for the peace and comfort and value extended through a lover’s gaze.

While her thirst is sad and preventable, her solution is evil. Her actions ignore God, defile her body, betray her husband, and pull a young man into sin. Inner thirst, even loneliness, can drive us into wrecked relationships, with serious injuries and permanent scars.

The woman in Solomon’s cautionary tale is determined and brash; she is loud and aggressive. Before she says anything to the young man, before she explains how easily he could have her, she grabs him and kisses him.

She literally gives him a taste of what could be his—and he is hooked. A biological reaction begins, overriding reason and judgment. The adulteress knows what she is doing. Her kiss triggers nerves and chemicals, awakening a desire that demands satisfaction. Pornography does the same thing. Flirtatious touching does this. The wayward woman would give a speech, but she did not need it. He was caught. The hunt was over. Take note: It is never “just a kiss.”

Smooth words promise that their time in bed could remain hidden; her husband would not find out. No matter how “free” temptation appears, it always includes a cost. The argument that, “No one will ever know,” is a lie. God knows. And so does our conscience, made in His image. Think of Poe’s Tell-Tale Heart or the haunting guilt in Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment.

Even if you are neglected, seeking fulfillment outside of your marriage is wrong. When reaching for one who is not your spouse, new problems, greater than the original loneliness, come into play. You sin against God, betray your spouse, and damage your marriage. Atop this heap of sin, you also become a stumbling block to a fellow child of God. Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come!”  (Luke 17:1 NIV)

Husband, love your wife! Wife, love your husband! Be careful to meet their reasonable needs. Cover them so well that they never leave home in a state of thirst. Talk to your spouse before the flesh talks you into quenching your thirst somewhere else.

Put down your phones, click off the TV, and ask your spouse if their needs are fulfilled. Then listen—don’t defend or offer excuses. Yes, these conversations include awkwardness, but they are easier than handling the fallout from betrayal, easier than consulting divorce lawyers. Greater still, there is the potential that a conversation could cause a withered heart to bloom, potential for renewed joy and intimacy to fill your home.

The Fool

“With persuasive words she led him astray; she seduced him with her smooth talk. All at once he followed her like an ox going to the slaughter, like a deer stepping into a noose till an arrow pierces his liver, like a bird darting into a snare, little knowing it will cost him his life. Now then, my sons, listen to me; pay attention to what I say. Do not let your heart turn to her ways or stray into her paths. Many are the victims she has brought down; her slain are a mighty throng. Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death.” (Proverbs 7:21-27 NIV)

Solomon paints the picture of a man wandering down a path of destruction. He is young and lacking sense (7:7). The wise man never allows close conversation in shadowy places. The wise alcoholic avoids the local bar—never walking through the door—choosing to avoid the fight, instead of counting on discipline to order Dr. Pepper instead of Scotch. He knows better.

Many people—both men and women—get into trouble because they believe themselves strong enough to maintain control. Perhaps this fool believed he could just look and flirt, then she kissed him, and he was pierced.

Solomon begs his son to listen. He knows the stakes. If the fool’s sin remains secret, he might return to her bed. If the sin gives comfort, he might become deluded, believing this is a good path for taking care of his own needs.

Our fool could claim false innocence, “It was all her idea! I was just walking along, or just scrolling, minding my own business.” But he was walking—or scrolling—where it was not safe. And adulterous fruit is forbidden even it is willing, even if she is eager. We are responsible for our choices.

What physical or digital places do you frequent, where trouble lurks in the shadows?

A beautiful woman radiating sensuality, spouting flattery and a lusty invitation, is a powerful force. If biology takes over, it’s game over. The wise man sees a willing woman on his screen or on his path and clicks away, crossing to the other side of the street instead of trusting himself to say “No” to a tempting offer.

Fools take a chance on winning or losing. Wise people avoid the fight.

If an encounter with temptation is unavoidable, assume a combat posture.  Her words might be smooth but hold your resolve at a sharpened edge. This is not a moment for polite banter.  She is luring you to the grave (7:27).  Her tender talk disguises lethal talons. The moment calls for a few firm words, then run away.

Solomon speaks in pleading tones to keep his boy from the arrow or snare. He speaks plainly. He does not hint or skirt the issue. He wants his son to be right with his wife, but also right with God. Solomon understands that the root crime in adultery is thievery; someone taking what belongs to another. Perhaps he is thinking about his own parentage—David taking Bathsheba.

In love, Solomon points to a path of wisdom, the difference between life and death. Any man can be tempted and lured and trapped and devoured. Only the fool believes himself impervious.

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Tension in Trust

Mark 9:17-29

“Teacher, I brought you my son…” (Mark 9:17 NIV)

The list of things parents would not do for their children is a short one. This father has served time as a witness to torment—beginning when his son was merely a child. He hungers for his boy to be free, to hear his boy speak—so he calls out from within the crowd.

Jesus, full of compassion and watchful for faith, invites the desperate father to believe for his son’s deliverance.

“Everything is possible for one who believes.” (Mark 9:23 NIV)

In a tone a few levels beyond casual, the man blurts-out, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24 NIV) This couplet captures the familiar tension that overtakes our efforts to trust God. We believe, but we also wrestle doubts.

Circumstances with uncertain outcomes have a way of wrapping their coils around us, constricting our faith. One or more of these might feature in your story right now, squeezing your peace, asphyxiating your joy.

  • Significant cracks in the marriage foundation.
  • An unexpected diagnosis with legitimate peril.
  • An ongoing job search with no promising options.
  • A strained relationship boiling toward a confrontation.
  • A child wandering far from the main road of faith.

We really want everything to work out. We really need everything to work out.

Fear creeps in while we wonder about how the Lord will answer or when the Lord will rescue. A little bit of fear, mingled with our script for what should happen, shifts the balance in the tug-of-war for trust. When we lose balance, we fall—tumbling into fantasies about worst case scenarios. Hope evaporates. We decide we don’t deserve God’s help, so we stop asking for it. In darker moments, we accuse God of unkindness or worse, indifference.

Today’s scripture invites us to learn from the desperate father – asking Jesus for help with our doubts while we ask Him for help with our problems.

Prayer is a safe place for the tension of trust. Speak to God about your fight for belief, your weariness from waiting, your occasional panic—born of fear that nothing will ever change. He already knows.

Scrape together bits of faith and shape them into a prayer of boldness.

  • Ask for repair in the marriage cracks—with new heights of joy and fulfillment for both of you.
  • Ask for complete healing in your body—with glory given to God as you live on to tell the story.
  • Ask for an open door into the job of your dreams—as provision for your needs and a place to live out your purpose.
  • Ask for a relationship miracle—that turmoil and conflict flip into reconciliation and peace.
  • Ask for mercy as God brings your prodigal to their senses—so that you can praise Him when celebrating their return.

Reach for trust in the Lord today—even as part of you doubts. He knows what pulls on you, what looms large, making you desperate. He is aware of the tension within you. He sees your core belief and your circumstantial unbelief.

You have not been forgotten. You have not escaped God’s notice. He sees you. He understands every detail of your situation. He is at work, behind the scenes, arranging things for His glory and for your good. Hold your circumstances in open hands. Lead your soul to prefer the outcome God prefers.

Mark’s Gospel does not record the father’s reaction when the boy stood up, finally free. But we can imagine it, can’t we? Shouts of joy. Long embraces. Father and son speaking words of love that went unheard for so long. Tears. Praise to God.

What’s next in your story—the outcome—is not unknown, it is simply unnamed. God is shepherding your days to align with His plan. And every plan of God is good.

O Lord, I am a messy mixture—coming to you in trust, coming to you in need.

Father, you are sovereign over my easy days and the hard ones. Thank you for managing my life through a plan that is unflustered and perfect. I trust you.

Jesus, flex your might in my circumstances, as you did long ago for the tormented father and son.

Spirit of Peace, produce the fruit of patience in my disciple’s character while I wait for you to reveal your plan. Increase my faith, to receive your good plan—whatever it is.

Lord, I believe. Please help me to overcome my unbelief.


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Shields up: Tragedy and Faith

“Take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.” (Ephesians 6:16 NIV)

Shields up. The horrific events in Buffalo and Uvalde fall into a long line of “never-again” unthinkables—yet they happened. People made a routine grocery run, but never made it home. Children went cheerfully, innocently, and carelessly to school, but then evil burst in to steal life and wreck families. The reasons why, and clean solutions for going forward are beyond our grasp. But as the people of Jesus, as people of hope, we choose to Believe. God sees. God cares. God has a plan.

Shields up. The mass shootings took place many miles from our home, but we felt the shockwave and we share in the grief and outrage. Evil launched brazen attacks, like a curtain of arrows flying across an ancient battlefield. The arrows came at us to cut us, to terrorize us, to divide us. Each razor-sharp tip aimed to bleed us of faith, to leave us empty and doubting. Where was God? Why didn’t he stop this? How could he allow children to go through this unthinkable?

Shields up. Our faith can extinguish the arrows flying at our hearts and minds.

Yes, swift action is called for. Reform and change—though complicated and imperfect—must come, to try to make sure this is the last Buffalo, the last Uvalde.

But it’s likely not the last such event, because the root of these horrors is not a legal loophole, a failure of law enforcement. The root is evil itself, with its disregard for life, acting out to steal, kill, and destroy. This has been the story since Adam and Eve left the Garden. Countless wars have claimed innocent life—including the one currently waged across the sea. Evil adults, in every century, abuse and violate and kill children. Until Jesus comes, evil remains unleashed in this world. Shields up.

Lifting our shields of faith is not mere sentiment or blind allegiance to an invisible God. We believe the world’s troubles stem from sin. We believe the way to be free from sin’s grip is through a relationship with Jesus. We believe our Jesus told us that in this world we would have trouble, but that we should take heart, because our Jesus has overcome the world.

We believe a day is coming when evil’s run will end, banished to the abyss. Come quickly, Lord Jesus—our shields are up, but each year you delay, we are tempted to let them slip.

In faith, we invite people to meet Jesus – who changes sinful hearts, liberating people to a new life, in a new dominion, under a good and great King.

In faith, we assert that there is one God who made all things. He is on his throne. Sovereign. Not rattled. He sees. He cares. He has a plan.

What is his plan. We cannot know.

When is he coming back? We cannot know.

So we live by faith.

Shields up.

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A Prayer For Stressed-Out Students

O God My Father,

This moment in life—this time spent as a student—is a privilege made possible by your generous hand. You created my academic abilities, you led me to this school and you made the finances possible. Thank you for opening doors and providing for needs. I am grateful for the string of kindnesses you have supplied to bring me this far.

I believe this season is an investment for what awaits when I am no longer a student. Thank you for making plans to use my life. Thank you for exposing me to the ideas and books and concepts and teachers in this place. It means so much to me—that you would train me and prepare me in this way.

Because you have trusted me with this opportunity and because you have been so good and kind, I want to do well—to honor you and to seize the possibilities.

Right now, there is so much to keep-up with; I fear I am slipping behind. Carry me, O Lord, through this demanding season. I confess that I have said “yes” to too many things. Shine a light on places where time and energy are wasted. Give me courage to say “no,” to cut what needs to be cut. Help me to manage well all of the expectations on my life—the classes, the assignments, the relationships…the tests.

The pressure at times feels suffocating. The Enemy terrorizes my mind with fears of looming defeat. Do battle for me, O Lord. Silence the Accuser, burst through the clutter and noise to show me the way forward–with hope.

I know your love for me is not tied to my grades. I know my value as a person is not tied to my grades. Yet I want to do well. I need to do well.

As I spend time in study, help me to absorb what I read. Help me to prepare well for the tests. Help me to sleep well the night before. And help me to remember that the purpose and impact of my life does not hinge upon one grade.

Thank you for your comforting presence—with me in every class, in every book, in every test. I have experienced your faithfulness many times. I need your help this week—the assignments are many, and I am discouraged. Quiet my fears, give rest to my soul, and be my help this week. Carry me through, as you have done so many times before.


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Ransom For Many

“Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the Lord makes his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.” (Isaiah 53:10 NIV)

            The Holy Spirit enabled Isaiah to see a day when the Messiah—the Lord’s Servant—would suffer for sin. Jesus did not die on the cross as a victim of Roman justice. He did not die as the result of scheming by the Scribes and Pharisees. It was God’s will that this should happen. God the Father sent Jesus the Son to earth to die as a ransom for many. The cross was part of the plan. Jesus was not put to grief on the cross because he was guilty—he never sinned. In fact, this verse from Isaiah 53 tells us that Jesus died as an offering for the guilty.

            Jesus suffered and died as the only one worthy and capable of securing our salvation. None of us could endure the outpouring of God’s wrath for sin. And only Jesus—perfect and blameless—was worthy to serve as the spotless sacrificial lamb.

            Crucifixion is horrific. Some think it impossible that God would willingly allow his Son to go through such a terrible experience. Yet God was accomplishing something infinitely greater than the suffering of the cross. Friday at Golgotha was terrible, but God knew that there would be a glorious Sunday among the tombs.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You are great and glorious—you hold eternity and the universe and the details of my life in your hands. You are always at work—perfectly managing all things in existence. When you planned the path of the cross, you had something greater in mind. I will remember that today if suffering comes my way. I will trust that you are always at work, for your glory and for my good.

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Covered In Christ

“Moses said to Aaron, ‘Come to the altar and sacrifice your sin offering and your burnt offering and make atonement for yourself and the people; sacrifice the offering that is for the people and make atonement for them, as the Lord has commanded.’” (Leviticus 9:7 NIV)

In the Old Testament, God required a system of sacrifice to erase the guilt of sin. Priests used lambs, bulls, and other animals in ceremonies of slaughter. Imagine the stench and noise surrounding the sacrifices—the smell and sound of death impossible to ignore. The aim of each sacrifice was to secure atonement for those who sinned. When blood was shed on the altar, adhering to prescribed ways, God would favor the people by counting their sin as covered.

            The cross of Christ is treasured by those who love and follow him. Yet let us remember that it was bloody and tortuous—an effective device for killing. God enlisted this tool of punishment as an altar for the ultimate and final sacrifice for sin. Jesus died on the cross as the fulfilment of his mission. Christ’s death satisfied God’s wrath, erased the guilt of sin, and secured free pardon for all who would believe in his name.

            The Easter season reminds us that our sin had a cost—the life of the precious Son of God. Our salvation is free to us through faith, but it was paid for by the innocent Messiah. Each time you see a cross—the altar that ended the system of sacrifices—be thankful that your sins are covered. They have been paid for by Jesus. This is the love of God in action. He did for us, what we could never do for ourselves.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am humbled that you would respond to my rebellion with grace. Thank you for giving your Son to pay what I owed. I remember today that sin is not small or inconsequential. I will run from it—I do not want to embrace that which required my Savior’s death. Thank you that no more sacrifices for sin are required. I will live this day in the freedom and peace and joy you purchased for me on the cross.

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A Declaration for Child Dedication In The Church

Today, we affirm that family is a concept born in the heart of God.

We also affirm that you are family to us.

Today, you commit to leading this child in the ways of Jesus.

Today, you commit to raising them to believe that they have been made by God, that they are loved by God, and that they have a purpose from God.

Today, we commit to pray for you in this sacred leadership role.

Today, you dedicate yourself to living out the grace and truth of the Gospel in your home—you are this child’s first encounter with the tough and tender love of Jesus.

Today, we remind you that the Lord will be your strength.

Today, we remind you that God is for you and with you in the nurturing of this child.

Today, we remind you that we are for you and that we will be with you, for whatever you need.

Your church loves you.

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Seven Ways to Encourage a Struggling Friend

#1     Purchase an uplifting book.

Put a resource into their orbit. Stay away from titles such as, Pull Yourself Together, or Get Over It, or Why Are You Still Whining. Let’s hope that last one isn’t available on Amazon.

I recommend You’ll Get Through This, from Max Lucado. It is accessible to many reading levels, and it is loaded with hope.

You can ship the book to their home or purchase the physical copy, inscribing a personal note. Don’t try to estimate how much they like to read. The book might lie on the kitchen counter for days or weeks before the nudge to open it overcomes. Spend a few dollars in friendship. You never know how the Lord might work.

#2     Pass along meaningful Bible verses.

Sift through the hundreds of options; curate a sampling of hope-building, faith-raising, endurance-igniting passages.

Choose a few verses that highlight God’s ability to rescue. Choose a few verses that remind us of God’s faithfulness. And throw in a verse or two about endurance. Sometimes rescue comes after a season of waiting. Sometimes the first part of God’s good plan includes our endurance. That’s just true.

If you need a starting point for helpful verses, there is a list on my website.

#3     Deliver a treat.

Perhaps it’s a slice of cake from their favorite bakery. Maybe it’s the eleven-step Starbucks order you know they love. It might be an appetizer from a local comfort food spot.

Even if your struggling friend lives in another state, delivery apps make this relatively easy. Then again, the treat might be a warming bowl of soup from your kitchen.

If you have the option for an in-person drop-off, look them in the eyes at the doorstep, speaking volumes through the brief phrase, “I’ve been thinking about you today and thought this might be good for your soul.”

If remote delivery is a must, send a text when you get the alert that delivery is complete. Remind them of your support; remind them that they are not alone.

#4     Invite them out for coffee or a meal—with the caveat that talking about troubling circumstances is off-limits.

Community is important in a season of struggle. When we isolate, it is easy to spiral into discouragement, embracing untruths—our circumstances begin to look fatal or sound final.

The kinds of food or drink are irrelevant. Your presence, your attention, your engagement—these will fill them up.

Before you get together, strategize safe topics to discuss, should the conversation lag.

On your way to the meeting, ask God to use you as a blessing. Pray that the experience of your friendship touches and soothes some of their pain.

#5     Speak grace and truth over any inaccurate perspectives.

Troubling circumstances twist our perception of what is really going on, how God really thinks about us.

If they are in a mess of their own making—counter self-loathing with truth about God’s forgiveness and the Believer’s righteousness in Christ. Regretted choices may have consequences, but they never alter God’s love for us. And they never hinder His ability to redeem—to make something beautiful from the broken pieces.

If your friend’s struggle stems from what someone else did—stand with them in the injustice and nurse their wounds. Inspire them to leave vengeance to God. Lead them to choose joy, rejecting the poison of bitterness.

#6     Invite them out for a walk or another activity that allows conversation.

Exercise dissipates stress. I don’t have a chart to show the science, but more than you could ever want is available through a Google search for “exercise and stress.” Enjoy.

A long walk, a round of golf, a set of tennis, ends of curling—any of these will do the trick for generating energy, releasing endorphins, and clearing the head.

Sometimes people share their burdens while they are active, but not required to make eye contact. Time outside together opens the eyes and lungs to fresh air and the beauty of a blue sky. It also opens the heart.

#7     Text two specific prayers that you are praying.

A message that you are praying is genuinely helpful. The next level up is to describe what you are praying—the specifics about how you are going to the Father on their behalf.

Pause to consider what you want God to do for your friend.

Use your text message to help them find the words. Your spelled-out prayers could bring focus to the disorienting throb of pain. Your specific prayers might turn into their daily heart-cry to God.

What else should go on the list?

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Jesus, This Day Is For You

Lord Jesus – whom I love and follow – continue your earthly ministry through me as I keep in step with your Spirit.

I desire to be more than productive – I want to be part of all that is in your heart for the people on my path. Grow me, prune me, cultivate me – for your glory and for my own delight.

Whatever fruit comes from this day, I will present to you – thankful and humbled to see you bring beautiful things out of the mess that is me.

And when my days on earth are done, I hope to lay at your feet an overflowing harvest from years as your disciple.

It’s all for you, both now and forever.


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Something Helpful For Your Marriage

If you know your spouse’s love language, speak it. If you don’t know it, learn it.

Gary Chapman’s famous book, The Five Love Languages, offers a framework for husbands and wives to understand and engage each other. While they are not gospel, and no better or worse than the numbers and wings, they are immensely helpful.

  • Words of Affirmation
  • Acts of Service
  • Receiving Gifts
  • Quality Time
  • Physical Touch

If you know your spouse’s love language, speak it. If you don’t know it, learn it.

Speak it as a ministry to your spouse. You are part of God’s plan for meeting their needs. Your care for them replenishes what daily life drains; it repairs what daily life attempts to tear apart.

Speak it as a free gift to your spouse – not an act of barter or a hook fishing for reciprocation. Be generous because it’s what you signed-up for. Make it a gift that doesn’t need a holiday or special occasion. Be intentional instead of forcing your spouse to have to ask for more of it. Yes, grownups should communicate what they need. But what if you relieved them of the waiting for the right time, strategizing the right words, the prefacing and stipulating?

Speak your spouse’s love language so that your spouse isn’t looking for someone outside of the marriage to speak it.

Talk about expectations.

Clarify which languages make the biggest impact on them.

Ask them what they need more of and less of. And if your spouse is already a fluent love language speaker, affirm and appreciate them.

If you are new to these concepts, then buy Dr. Chapman’s book—I guarantee that it’s available wherever books are sold. Buy it for yourself to grow in the ways you serve and spoil the person God gave you. Don’t buy it as a gift, hoping they will catch the hint. Even better—read it together.

If you know your spouse’s love language, speak it. If you don’t know it, learn it.

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